Updated 2/3/25
Please check back often! If you have any barriers that prevent participation, please contact Mr. Bilchak at [email protected] for assistance. We might be able to help and make these offerings a reality!

Dear Claysburg-Kimmel Parents,
There will be a live online SAT and an ACT prep course this winter.
You will choose which one you want on the campusprep.org website.
Campus Prep has provided the SAT and ACT programs at the University of Denver for the past 7 years and serves more than 45 high schools around the country.
Course Info.
- 27-hour comprehensive live online course, including 3 proctored practice exams
- Starts in Feb. and runs for 7 weeks
- Taught by a live expert instructor
Apply for the courses (and see schedules) at campusprep.org
- Costs $195
- Students who complete the course often increase their score by over 200 points on the SAT and 4 points on the ACT
Visit https://www.campusprep.org/ to see the schedules and to apply for the course (or copy and paste the website into your browser, if the link does not open for you).
The courses are filling up fast. Apply at https://www.campusprep.org/ (it takes 60 seconds to apply)
Questions? Email [email protected] or call (877) 805-2521.
Current Scholarship Newsletter-Jan 2, 2025
The Pennsylvania Society’s Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award for Pennsylvania public school juniors is currently accepting 2025 submissions!
The scholarship offers a first-place prize of $6,000, a second-place prize of $4,000, and a third-place prize of $2,000.
All information for this year’s contest and past winning essays can be found here. The deadline for submission is Friday, February 28, 2025.
FAFSA Completion Session at CKHS-January 28th, 2025
Current Scholarship Opportunities-Student Scholarships.org