Emergency Operations Plan


The purpose of the Claysburg Kimmel School District Emergency Operations Plan (District EOP) is to prepare the District to identify and respond to incidents that may arise by outlining the responsibilities and duties of Claysburg Kimmel School District and our employees.  


Developing, maintaining, and exercising the plan empowers employees to respond quickly and knowledgably in the event of an incident.  In addition, the plan serves to educate staff, faculty, students, and other key stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an incident occurs.


The basic plan and the functional, hazard-specific annexes included with it outline an organized, systematic method to mitigate, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents. CKSD seeks to regularly schedule and deliver training on the EOP and its methods of response for faculty and staff. 


The district realizes that no set of policies rules out the potential for legal problems.  Claysburg Kimmel School District recognizes and states, that no guarantee is implied by this Plan of a perfect incident management system. As personnel and resources may be overwhelmed, Claysburg Kimmel School District can only endeavor to make every reasonable effort to manage the situation, with the resources and information available at the time.   Establishing the procedures and guidelines outlined in the EOP provides a crucial margin of protection against liability and more importantly can save lives.  


CKSD wants to be clear in emphasizing that for the precise purpose of protecting children and staff of the district, the District will not disclose detailed information concerning the safety and security of the school buildings or grounds. This is in concert with the Right to Know Law, 65 P.S. 67.701 et seq, which exempts from public disclosure documents such as the EOP which address security protocols and could compromise safety if released.  The District is not required to furnish the public with copies of the EOP and/or any portions thereof which address hazards, vulnerability studies, threat assessments, detailed technology plans and specific details of trainings.


The District also recognizes that the Public needs assurance of the District’s preparedness. The following is a brief summary, without specific detail, to assure the public of the District’s ongoing efforts to ensure a comprehensive and up-to-date safe schools plan is in place.


  The Safe Schools Emergency Operation Plan broadly includes:
  • Concept of Operations

  • Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities

  • Direction, Control, and Coordination

  • Communications

  • Administration, Finance, and Logistics

  • Plan Development, Maintenance, and Distribution

  • Authorities and References

  • Threat assessment and Vulnerability Study

  • Crisis Response Procedure (annexes)

  • Physical security planning information for master planning


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