Please see below for Frequently Asked Questions and other important information for parents and students pertaining to the Flexible Instruction Days. 

What is a Flexible Instructional Day?

 The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved using Flexible Instructional Days (FID) as an alternative form of instruction in place of a day otherwise canceled due to inclement weather or building emergency. PDE will count this as a full day of school. The Claysburg-Kimmel Area School District is approved to use up to five (5) FID’s for the school year.

Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

 During the school year, the Claysburg-Kimmel School District may use a FID instead of a school day that would be canceled due to inclement weather or other emergencies. On a FID, students will complete learning activities and assignments at home provided by their teachers.

What is the benefit of a FID?

 Using a FID will not require additional make-up days when school is canceled. These make-up days could shorten spring break or extend the school year. The District can use up to five (5) FIDs per school year. FIDs are considered a school day and count towards the instructional days/hours required under Article 15 of the Public School Code and Chapter 11 of the State Board of Education regulations.

If the District calls for a FID, how will I know?

 Students and parents/guardians will be informed of a FID through the District's notification system in the same way school closings and delays are currently announced. Notifications will be distributed via the School Messenger message system and posted on the District's website.

 Will every school day canceled because of inclement weather be considered a FID?

 No. Students and parents/guardians will be notified if school is canceled and the type of day that is called. There are two options when the District is closed:

  1. School is canceled, and a make-up day will be used.
  2. FID is called – students will not attend in person but will work on prepared FID lessons at home.

What will be expected of my child during a FID (K -12)?

 In order to be approved by PDE for a FID, the District needs to ensure access to the learning activities for all students, even on inclement weather days when there may be disruptions to electricity and internet service. With this in mind, teachers will distribute prepared, hard copy lessons of activities for students to use during these days or these lessons will be available on Microsoft Teams (6th through 12th grade) and Seesaw at the elementary (grades K through 5).  Teachers will identify other FID day needs as appropriate.  Students are expected to complete the work assigned on the FID and return the completed work to the classroom teachers upon their return to in-person instruction.

 How does student attendance work?

 Student attendance will be determined by verifying and completing the FID lessons and/or assignments. Students do not report to school on a FID. Students will complete their FID lessons for the identified FID day and return the completed work to their classroom teachers upon their return to in-person learning. Incomplete work will be counted as an absence, and a parent excuse will be required.  Students will have up to 3 days to complete FID assignments. 

 How can I contact a teacher or staff member during a FID?

 All teachers and professional staff members will be available via email during a FID. This includes special area teachers such as music, art, STEM, computer, library, physical education, special education, Title I, school counselors, nurses, speech therapists, principals, and administrators unless the individual is ill that day.

 What if my child needs help with a lesson/assignment on a FID? Will teachers be available to answer questions?

 Yes. All school-based staff members will be available to answer questions on a FID via email during school hours.

 What happens if my child fails to complete his/her assignments?

 Teachers will check FID assignments, which will count toward attendance requirements and may count as a graded assignment. Students who fail to complete their FID assignments will be marked absent, and a parent excuse will be required.

 My child has an IEP. Will his/her lesson be modified appropriately?

 FID lessons will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction, and supplementary aides and services identified in their individualized education plans. Upon return from a FID, teachers of students with special needs will meet with their students to review work submitted to check for completion and understanding. Any related service (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, etc.) scheduled initially during the FID will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the student's individualized education plan.

 Will nursing services be available during a FID?

 As a requirement of FID approval, our nurses will be available via email during regular school hours to support our families and students.

 Will afterschool activities be canceled on a FID?

 Yes, all afterschool activities will be canceled on a FID.

How can we get help with an assignment?
If you have a question about an assignment please contact your child's teacher by sending an email to the teacher or calling the building office.
Elementary: 814-239-5144
Jr/Sr High School: 814-239-5141

Is there an online directory to find a teacher's email address?
Yes, Click here to access the Staff Directory

When are the teachers available to help with an assignment?
Our teachers will be available via email from 9am-Noon and 1pm-3pm each school day.

I am a student and I'm having a technical issue with my iPad or laptop.  How can I get help?
Technical help is available at 814-239-5141 ext.1326.  Please leave your name, phone number and a brief message and we will return your call.  You can also email [email protected] and we will contact you via email.  An email can be sent at anytime, but all phone calls and emails will be answered during normal school hours.

I do not have Internet access at home or a smartphone in order to access the online assignments; what can I do?
Please contact the technical help line at 814-239-5141 ext. 1326 and leave your contact information (name, phone number & a brief message) so that we can reach out to you.

What is Microsoft Teams?
Microsoft Teams is one of the apps that the 6th-12th Grade students will use complete their Flexible Instruction Day assignments. Microsoft has provided a guide for parents & guardians that explains Microsoft Teams and how it works.  Click here to view the website.

I have some questions on how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and/or Teams.  Is there an online help guide? 
Yes, Microsoft is providing a student help center for a number of their products.  Click here to access.

I have a question for other staff in the district (food service, nurse, social worker, school counselor, & special education).  How can I reach those individuals?
All staff will be available via email.  Please see below for contact information.

Food Service Questions: Email [email protected]

Nurse/Medications: Email [email protected]

School Social Worker: Email [email protected]

School Guidance Counselor
High School: Email [email protected]
Junior High: Email [email protected]
Elementary School: Email: [email protected]

Special Education: Email [email protected]

My iPad isn't working correctly and I think I need to restart it.  How can I do that?
To reboot an iPad, you can perform a warm reboot.  Press and hold the Home button at the bottom of the screen along with the Power button.  Continue to press and hold both buttons at the same time until you see the white Apple logo and then release.  Your iPad will take about a minute to reboot.

I'm having issues with my Dynabook keyboard/touchpad/cursor.  How can I fix it?
Keyboard/touchpad/cursor not working- restart the laptop.  If the touchpad isn't workingthe screen is a touch screen.  If you are at the Windows login screenon the bottom right there is the power icontouch on it and select restart
My Dynabook is stuck.  How can I fix it?
If it is really stuck or no screenthe laptop needs powered off/back on.  Press and hold the power button on the right hand side for at least 10 seconds until you see the light go off.  Then turn back on.

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