Extended Detention Policy

Claysburg-Kimmel Extended

Detention Policy

Rules Contract For Office Assigned Extended Detention

1.    Attendance on the assigned date is mandatory.  Failure to attend will result in the assignment of a day of in-school the next  day in attendance.  The second time you miss assigned detention you will be given three days of in-school suspension.

2.    Detention will be assigned on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays each week.  All appointments must be scheduled so that the detention will be assigned one of those 3 days.

3.    Students must provide enough appropriate reading or other scholastic material to ensure that they will not be idle during the time of detention.  Failure to do this will result in that night's detention NOT being counted as fulfillment of the detention assignment.

4.    Any type of disruptive behavior, as determined by the detention proctor, will result in that night's detention NOT being counted as fulfillment of the detention assignment.

5.    Any assigned detention time not served will be carried over to the next academic year for underclassman.  Seniors having un-served detention time will not be permitted to receive diplomas with their class.  If you skip extended detention without a valid excuse you will receive one day in-school the following day. 

6.    After five (5) detentions have been assigned the next will be until 4:00.  After 1 night of extended until 4:00, the next violation will be in-school suspension.

7.    GACTC students assigned extended detention will report when the bus arrives back at the school until 4:00.  Anyone that does not report will be assigned in-school suspension the following day. 

8.    Students receiving detention from the GACTC will have one day of in-school suspension after accumulating four detentions.

    I______________________, having read and understood the above rules concerning my detention assignment for ____________on_____________ indicated by my signature that I have no questions concerning the times or conditions of my detention assignment.

        A: 2:30-3:30

        B. 2:30-4:00



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